Daftar Pustaka
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- McCloskey, Joanne C., Bullechek, Gloria M. (1996). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). St. Loui: Mosby.
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- Potter, P.A. & Perry, A.G. (1996). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concept, Process & Practice. (third edition). St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book
- Perry, A.G. & Potter, P.A. (1994). Clinical Nursing Skills & techniques (third edition). St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book.
- Stuart, Gail Wiscarz & Sundeen, Sandra J. (1995). Prinsiples & Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. St Louis: Mosby Year Book.
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- Wong DL., (1995). Nursing Care of Infants and Children. St Louis: Mosby Year Book.
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